hello, there

Welcome to the happy way to home loan.

Why happy?

Glad you asked.

Don't know where to start?

Take a look at our 5 step process to getting a loan.


Home loans aren’t easy, but we’ll make sure you don’t know that. 

Our Services

First home loan

Whether you’re just scoping the market or ready to take the first big leap, we’re here to help break it all down for you.


Whether you need help breaking down the process, some grants advice or just a great rate, we can’t wait to help get that foot in that door.



Ever heard that a phone call to your electricity company can save you hundreds? Well imagine what a call to your Happy broker could save you.


Let’s future proof your biggest investment together.

Upgrading and downsizing

You’ve done this before?

So you’ll remember how painful the process can be. Let us take care of the hard work for you, from getting you a great rate to getting you in that door. 

Investor home loan

We can help you get the most out of your existing properties, and get you geared up for the future. 

Get to know us

Meet Jack

Ask anyone, and they'll say Jack sees things a little differently.
So when he got his first home loan, he saw some pretty huge opportunities for improvement. Why does such an exciting purchase have to be such a punish? Well, he's here to change that...

Why happy?

Our proposition to you can be summed up pretty easily: we bring you choice (for free), we do the legwork so you don't have to, we genuinely care about customer experience and we're small, so you'll always be important to us.

The happy loan process

If you feel like it's a minefield out there, you're not alone. We have designed our journey to be simple and user-friendly, leaving you to focus on the good stuff (like choosing that sofa).

Get in touch

We can’t wait to help you.